Welcome to my portfolio!

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Welcome to Tien V. Nguyen Portfolio.

Nice to meet you all.

Let’s have some fun together.

Image of Yaktocat

GitHub Tien V. Nguyen

My favorite things to do:

  1. Learning new languages
    1. Vietnamese (native)
    2. English (proficiency)
    3. Japanese (Beginner)
  2. Coding
    1. GitHub
    2. HackerRank
      1. Java
      2. Algoriths
    3. FreeCodeCamp
  3. Exercising
    • 30 minutes everyday
    • Focus on Hands, Stomach
      • Training to get 6 packs

Write out some of your awesome attributes, and use emphasis (like bold or italics) to identify keywords, programming languages, or skills. :tada: